Monday, April 14, 2008

Voters Optimalization; A Game Theoritic Approach

A colleague of mine placed a political phenomenon into an economic framework here. Well, I think it was a nice one which makes me want have one in this blog. My emphasize is on the Optimal Voters achievement using the game theory model.

I simplify the case into a two party competition case. In this simulation, each of the parties face three possible options in which describes political preferences to a candidate in order to win the election. The options are; pairing with Incumbents, (Inc), Celebrities (Cel) or Military figure (Mil)

Here is the table:

Party II


I place this simulation in a complete vacuum in which assumes the parties do not communicate to each other. Party I is a dominant party in which has a bigger voter base than party II the mediocre one. I base the simulation from the precedent elections which have taken place throughout the country, ranging from municipalities to provinces. Moreover, I assume that all of the party representatives in the election are newcomers, leaving the partner into the above mentioned variables

If party I choose to pair up with incumbent, the party would most likely win the election (1,o) unless party II choose celebrity to be a partner (0,1). If party I pair up with celebrity, they will win the election while leaving party II behind since the odds will be on the dominant side. What about the question mark then? I will explain it at the end of this post.

And here is the interesting part, pairing up with a military figure would then justified as a winning ticket, well then, it serves only in a mythical manner. A party that choose a military figure will only sit on the loosing side.

So, what about the question marks? The question marks will only presence if both parties choose celebrity vis a vis military figure. In this situation, the winner would be the party in which their political engine works the most. A cadre based party like Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) would undoubtedly have their benefits and would go against all odds.


Anonymous said...

Jadi, jawabannya ada pada selebriti ya kalau partai gurem mau ikutan pilkadal, Mas Fithra? Kira-kira artis siapa lagi yang punya nilai jual tinggi ya? Hehehehehe.

fithra faisal hastiadi said...

Kira2 begitu pak meskipun tidak persis, hehe. Isunya Adji Masaid sudah merajuk ke pimpinan partai demokrat untuk dinominasikan ikut pilkada :)

Anonymous said...

kalo gitu abang jadi selebriti aja biar bisa ikutan pilkada...kali2 aja menang hihihi.. ;)

Rajawali Muda said...

fit lo lebih ganteng dari dede yusup
jadi lo mo jadi gubernur dmana?
gua daptar dah jadi kepala dinas, huehehehe...

thx for the link bro..

fithra faisal hastiadi said...

Ha ha, bisa aja lo zal. Ntar gua mau daftar jadu gubernur ditanah orang tua gua, minang nan jauh di mato.

Mambangkik negri Minang

Rajawali Muda said...

kita bisa join tuh fit, kolaborasi partai sama kayak kasus jabar, terus sama sama gak punya KTP sono (punya sih gua, tapi gak pernah dipake, huehehe..), terus sama sama masih muda, gih apply ke bos biar bisa ikutan kesono? btw pasangan politik gak usah sekufu gak papa kan? buktinya dede yusup boleh.
heheeheh... namanya bukan HADE, jadi SESUMBAR aja (sarjana ekonomi sumatra barat, huaahaha...)

fithra faisal hastiadi said...

Good idea :)

Rajawali Muda said...

fit, kenal gak? kalo kenal ma dia,tanyain dong, tentang reinforcement theory-nya dia. bagus tuh,udah bisa dibikin programnya?

thx bro..

fithra faisal hastiadi said...
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fithra faisal hastiadi said...

He is a best friend of mine, sure I'll ask him